Will Your Business Suffer from a Google+ Page Removal?

Keeping track of what you need to do for your SEO, and what has already been done can be a huge challenge. Often the business owner soon loses track of this once it looks to be in good shape, then forget to stay on top of an ever changing system. They no longer know what business listings they are still part of, or what reviews even exist on the web concerning their business.

There are some excellent free SEO business reports that can offer all of this information with just a few pieces of information and a couple of clicks. It has many different uses and is a resource that should not be taken lightly. SEO is an ongoing project that is a must for any successful business whether online or store front.

A good example is keeping up with the changes that Google is making with the Map Listings and Reviews associated with unverified Google+ pages. They are performing an update where businesses that have not verified their user accounts in conjunction with their Google+ page are going to have their pages removed including map pins.

By having an SEO business report you will know exactly what your situation is on a variety of directories including Google+. This is just one example, and all of the potentially important listings that you are associated with may be just as important. To start getting eliminated from business listings can have a detrimental impact on your business. Without SEO business reports you may not be aware of what is having a negative effect on your business because you cannot track the source.

You may not actively monitor your Google+ page marketing, but at the same time it has become established and you may have forgotten about it. Yet you are aware that Google is talking about page removal. With a free SEO business report you could easily check this to determine if you have an affiliated Google+ page that perhaps needs the necessary steps to get verified.

Most business owners simply do not have the time to stay on top of their marketing needs. When they are first starting out they put a great deal of effort into this, or perhaps use marketing service. Over time as their business site becomes established they lose track of their business listings and reviews. A SEO business report is an easy to access report that gives them all the details that they need. It is a good starting point to determine if further marketing actions should be taken in regards to what appears on the listing. At the same time it helps to determine where the business is not making its presence known and can assist in further marketing tactics.