how to write an effective blog post

The Anatomy of an Effective Blog Post: Compelling, Searchable, Informative

As we discussed in last month’s blog, content is king and one of the best ways to add content to your website is through posting blogs. As an expert in your industry’s field, you can provide value-added content and capture your customer’s attention, keeping them wanting to visit your site for information that’s relevant to them.

Here is a simple checklist for creating an effective blog that produces results:

  • Select a Compelling Topic

Focus on your keywords and choose a subject that will evoke an emotional response.

  • Write a Catchy, Searchable Headline

What is the benefit to the reader? Include your keywords in the headline if possible and make sure you cut and paste the title in a search engine to see if your competitors come up in the results. You want a searchable headline.

  • Include a SEO Description

This is a summary of the page contents that is used by search engines in search results so it’s important to be on target with the description for on-page SEO. Optimize your blogs to make them search engine friendly. Place keywords strategically in your text and don’t overuse them for the risk of being penalized by Google.

  • Draft Quality Content

Stick to a minimum word length of 400 words. The longer the blog the better. Ideally, strive to have a 1,000-1,500 word count. Include stats when relevant, keywords and hyperlinks to appropriate sources.

  • Include Subheads

Break up the body copy with subheads, making for an easy-to-ready blog and an opportunity to focus on searchable keywords.

  • Body Copy

Make it a readable font size, use short paragraphs, and make links easy to identify.

  • Include Links

Utilize at least two internal (going to your site) and external (directing to relevant info) links in the body of your blog, remembering to link to your sources.

  • Use Easy-to-Download Images

Avoid images that are too large and take a long time to download, thus potentially increasing your chances of visitors quickly leaving your site. Fill out the alternate text and keywords descriptions.

  • Call to Action

Provide a recap of what was discussed in the blog, as well as a summary of your company’s products or services. Conclude with a call to action directing readers to your website’s contact page, phone number, form to fill out, step to take advantage of a meaningful offer or whatever method you choose for engagement.

  • Provide a Social Share Option

Place a section with share icons at the end of the blog. This encourages social sharing and broadens your reach.

Additional Tips:

Below are examples of great blogs that provide valuable insight for readers. Check them out for inspiration!

 AKN Fabrics

7th Level Mortgage

Effective Legal Debt

Marrone Law Firm

Sagacent Technologies

Free Keyword Density Analysis Tool – Internet Marketing Ninjas

Plug in your website’s URL  into this easy-to-use tool and determine the keyword density of your page or the number of times a word appears in the text.

Keyword  Generator Tool – LSI Graph

Identify keywords using this helpful site to generate LSI keywords for your SEO. Determine the percentage of times a word appears, with the optimum being 2%-5%

Ready to Begin?

Follow the instructions discussed, remembering to focus on a searchable headline, content filled with keywords, downloadable images, links, and more. Have fun!

If you need help getting started, feel free to reach out to our team at eGlobal Web Solutions. We’re here to help!

eGlobal Web Solutions specializes in marketing your business via the digital marketplace. We use search engine optimization, social and review promotion, and Email marketing for all types of businesses from local to global. We utilize various digital marketing techniques to increase your Internet presence, optimize your traffic and generate new business.