Social Media Channels

How to Plan a Seasonal Digital Marketing Campaign

For some businesses, seasonal sales represent nearly 30% of annual sales. Seasonal events are a great way to engage and re-engage your customers with human-to-human connection, shared interests, and offers. However, just because there’s a season to recognize doesn’t mean that any campaign will earn sales. Even if the holiday puts people in the buying…

Social Media

What You Need to Know About the Newest Updates to Social Media

By: Jessica Austin, eLocal Social Media Manager Social media is constantly evolving. It seems like every day a new platform, widget or feature is being rolled-out. Staying on top of the revolving door of trends is imperative in order to reach consumers in new ways. Consumers today have short attention spans so messages need to…

Elocal Instagram

3 Instagram Updates to Incorporate Into Your Social Marketing Campaigns

As we launch into the all-important Q4, it’s time to maximize your social marketing campaigns, which are a critical part of your digital marketing plan for the upcoming holidays. Instagram recently announced new updates you’ll want to familiarize yourself with in order to make the most of your marketing efforts. While the current updates don’t…

ROI maximized

Local Optimization: How to Maximize Your ROI

“Own your back yard.” The idea of “owning your back yard” is local optimization. It’s the idea that you can stick to providing services and products to local customers, become successful, and keep costs low. Instead of competing with a global, corporate powerhouse you’re competing with other small business owners. Local Optimization: What has Worked Immediately, you…

Drip email campaigns

How to Use Drip Email Campaigns to Jump Start Your Sales

Want to jump start your business sales? As all savvy entrepreneurs know, drip email campaigns are a powerful and useful way to give you the boost you need to take your business to the next level. In fact, timely, targeted and personalized emails can offer 20% more sales opportunities. They also help build customer loyalty and give…